International shipping
Aramex Couriers ships packages to over 220 countries around the globe. Estimated transit time varies from country to country, but generally will not take longer than 11 working days. In most cases, you can expect your package to be delivered within one week.
Once your shipment is in the Aramex system, you can track it all the way to the recipient’s front door by using the Fast Courier tracking tool.
Note: you must fill out a customs declaration form before sending a package overseas. For goods valued at $2000 or more, you’re obliged to submit an export declaration form to customs.
Large and heavy items
It is possible to send oversized packages via Aramex. However, keep in mind that courier services calculate shipping rates based on volumetric weight, which is a combination of size and weight. The larger a package is, the more costly it will be to ship, even if it doesn’t weigh much.
Packages weighing 25kg or less can be shipped using one label. For packages weighing more than 25kg, Aramex requires a second label.